You can also use the same keys to use your rocket slams or to destroy gummy bears. As your priced possession has been reclaimed, simply jump into the survival mode and launch an assault as far as you can go and eliminate as many gummy bears as you can.Click on the mouse or press the space bar at the white region of the spinner and introduce yourself as far as you can. You will have to jump back into action, fight whoever comes your way, counteract whatever is thrown at you and reclaim what's yours. If you haven't tried this game yet, then simply do it now as it guarantees a lot of fun.Just when you think that you have had enough of candy land, these gummy bears will come and loot your wallet. The gummy bears are special and get involved in some of the most outrageous wrestling.
This is a great game to enjoy as the graphics are great, lively and gives you a wonderful gaming experience.
Burrito Bison is a game which has been brought to you by AdultSwim games.